How can I receive Home Health Services?
Many people don't realize that anyone can call our agency to make a referral. Community Homecare accepts referrals from hospitals, friends, family, social workers, physicians, or yourself.
Do I have a choice in which home health agency I use?
Yes! If your doctor decides you need home health care, you have every right to choose a home health agency to give you the care and services you need. Your choice must be honored by your doctor, the hospital discharge planner, or any other referring entity. Many area hospitals have their own home health agency and occasionally the hospital providers, employees, or affiliates may refer you toward the hospital based agency. Remember, you are free to choose any Medicare-Certified agency that you feel the most comfortable with to meet your medical needs.
Home Health Care Eligibility
Medicare covers skilled home health services 100% once you meet the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for home health benefits, you must meet all four of these conditions: You must be considered homebound. This means that you must have a condition, illness or injury that makes it very hard to leave home. You must receive services from a medicare-certified home health agency. You must need the services of a skilled nurse or a speech, physical, or occupational therapist. Care must be needed only on an intermittent, not continuous, basis.
If you or a loved one are in need of home health services, please call us, we will gladly speak to you at no charge and contact your physician for approval of our services. Once we receive the referral a registered nurse and/or therapist will perform an evaluation during a visit to your home. If you or your loved one meets the criteria, a plan of treatment is developed, approved by your physician, implemented and reviewed every 60 days. The Community Homecare staff will work directly with your physician to get you healthy and back on your feet again. You can reach us at 1-877-728-2320 (toll free) and a member of our friendly and professional staff will help you today.
Community Homecare Inc
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